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<p><b>Habits that prevent you from growing in your career</b></p>
July 4, 2022#career

Habits that prevent you from growing in your career

One of the most important motivations of any employee is career growth. But the good performance of tasks and the absence of any complaints from the manager do not yet speak about career advancement.

Let's look at what habits prevent you from showing your best side at work and how to get a long-awaited promotion.

1. Lack of desire to learn

Naturally, career growth is very closely related to professional development. But if an employee does not want to grow professionally, then this does not go unnoticed by the manager. The lack of desire to learn can be for two reasons:

  • Firstly, an employee can read his level of knowledge and skills sufficient and does not see a special need to work on them.

  • Secondly, an employee may simply be embarrassed to ask a supervisor about the possibility of training.

If you feel that an insufficient level of knowledge affects your work and does not give you the opportunity to grow, then you can talk to your supervisors about it. Many managers are willing to invest resources to train employees, because competent specialists can greatly influence the development of the company.

2. Non-acceptance of new trends and technologies 

Currently, specialists who are able to adapt to the changes taking place in the world, despite the speed of their changes, are especially appreciated.

Of course, this is extremely difficult for many employees, because progress for them is associated with the risk of losing stability.

And therefore, changes that can lead the company to growth and the emergence of new positions are often rejected even at the idea stage by employees, since this is an external threat to them.

If you have any suggestion on how to use the changed environmental conditions or any new technology for the benefit of the company, then you definitely need to make an action plan and present it to your manager and your team.

Since managers really appreciate when an employee is brave and can take responsibility, then your offer will most likely be appreciated.

3. Self-doubt

New career opportunities entail additional responsibility, which, unfortunately, employees are not always ready for. Because he doubts himself and his abilities, because he is afraid of making any mistake and not coping.

In this case, it is worth understanding the causes of internal uncertainty. It may be caused by a lack of knowledge, the complexity of tasks, or some unsuccessful experience at a previous job.

As soon as you understand the reason for self-doubt, you will immediately find the right solution. Because in any case, it is worth remembering that growth and development is always overcoming one's own fears and limitations.

4. Inability to prioritize

In order to gain the trust of a manager, it is not necessary to take on any job that you can find. You will find yourself loaded not only with your own affairs, but also with extraneous tasks.

At first glance, the manager may be satisfied with your productivity and performance, but the lack of priorities in completing tasks and the inability to separate your work from the tasks of other team members will only indicate the lack of necessary leadership skills.

In addition, sooner or later a heavy load can lead to failures in important tasks.

Therefore, it is important to clearly set goals for your part of the work and set priorities. And it is important to remember that teamwork is the interaction of all team members, where everyone performs a specific task. And also your developed planning and teamwork skills cannot go unnoticed.

5. Dependence on the work team

We all know that the working atmosphere greatly affects the productivity of an employee, but it is extremely difficult to find the perfect team. 

Very often, an employee who gets into a relaxed atmosphere and a leisurely rhythm of completing tasks, after a while begins to go with the flow. But it must be remembered that the skill of drinking tea and discussing colleagues at work is not at all what the management expects from you.

If you suddenly find yourself in such a situation, then take a closer look at the composition of the team in which you are trapped. As a rule, there are opinion leaders in this team who form the whole atmosphere in the team.

If you can show the management the high efficiency of the tasks and will not be afraid to make some new proposals for the organization of the team, then most likely you can become the new leader.

In order to finally start growing up the career ladder, start eradicating these habits in yourself. It is not necessary to immediately take up all the habits, on the contrary, it is worth starting with some one that brings you the greatest discomfort. You will begin to notice the result immediately, and after that you will see these habits in your colleagues at all. After all, even a little work on yourself in one of these areas will entail noticeable internal growth, which will later transform into a career breakthrough.