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How to behave on the first working day in a new company?
How to behave on the first working day in a new company?
Of course, the first day at the company is always stressful. Acquaintance with the team and mentor, with internal rules, with the task and work environment. How to behave in a new place in order to quickly get used to work tasks, make a good impression and make sure that you immediately join the team? Today we will tell you what you need to do to make the first day successful and bear fruit.
1. Don't be afraid to get acquainted.
Of course, on the first day we introduce everyone to each other. But if suddenly you forgot someone's name or did not have time to get to know someone from the staff, then do not hesitate to do it first. Of course, you should not distract colleagues from work to get to know each other, but at lunch, a break or other joint events, this is a great opportunity. IT sphere is friendly and open, so it is unlikely that you will not be rejected or ignored. Usually, they come into contact with new people in the company with great pleasure and desire.
2. Read the rules.
Specifically, we have a “Book of fair rules” in our company, which is structured into sections with rules: this is not some boring order or google document where everything is explained in strict and official language. Everything is written easily and clearly, so getting to know it is easy and quick. And studying it on the first day of the internship is a must-have. After all, it spelled out how the company lives. And since you, coming to the internship, also become a part of the company, you should also know and “live” by these rules. If we are talking about other companies, then each has a certain list of rules and settings (for example, what time the lunch break begins, who to contact in which case, instructions for taking a vacation, etc.). To avoid troubles and comments, you should familiarize yourself with all of them on the first day.
3. Meet deadlines.
In any company, an employee is selected not only for hard-skills, but also for soft-skills. Compliance with the set deadlines is one of them. Moreover, it is very important and indicative. From the very first day, observe all the time limits that are set for you. It doesn't matter who: HR manager or mentor, team lead. Earn the credibility of getting everything done on time, from day one. Believe me, it will come in handy later. ;)
4. Feel free to ask for help.
It is a common case that in the first days employees are embarrassed and do not ask colleagues for help. Sometimes this “plays into the hands”, because in this way they independently reach the answer (which means they learn and show themselves as an employee who is ready to take responsibility and deal with the problem on their own). But sometimes it also has disastrous consequences: dealing with one task for a long time, they do not have time to reach the next, and therefore do not have time to cope with the set deadline (why this is important, we said above). The golden mean is good here. Therefore, I propose to take this instruction-rule as a basis: if you run into a problem -> google it. If you cannot find the answer within 30 minutes, then ping the mentor. I assure you, you will be happy to help and explain. But if every time you jerk your colleagues on a petty problem, the answer to which is easy to find on your own, you may face dissatisfaction. Do you need it? :)
5. Of course, give yourself up to the max.
Perform tasks with full dedication. Do not limit yourself, thinking that you need time to build up, and therefore you can somewhere irresponsibly approach tasks. Do everything to the maximum of your strength. Show what you are capable of from day one: write clean code, ask competent questions, listen and remember what they tell you. Do your job as if you are already a top employee and everyone looks up to you. Believe me, it will happen so soon if you introduce a personal rule to complete the assigned tasks at 10 out of 10. These were our tips for you to make the first day (yes, and the entire adaptation period in a new place) as good and comfortable as possible.
And if you want to try all these tips directly at work, then come to us for an internship. To do this, you need to leave a request on the website or write to any messenger (mail, VK, Instagram). And then we will definitely come up with something! ;)